from functools import wraps, lru_cache from fastapi import Request from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse, ORJSONResponse, UJSONResponse import inspect import os import json import time from datetime import datetime import requests import warnings from user_agents import parse from typing import Optional, Union, Literal from module_admin.service.login_service import LoginService from module_admin.service.log_service import OperationLogService, LoginLogService from module_admin.entity.vo.log_vo import OperLogModel, LogininforModel from config.env import AppConfig from config.enums import BusinessType def log_decorator(title: str, business_type: Union[Literal[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], BusinessType], log_type: Optional[Literal['login', 'operation']] = 'operation'): """ 日志装饰器 :param log_type: 日志类型(login表示登录日志,为空表示为操作日志) :param title: 当前日志装饰器装饰的模块标题 :param business_type: 业务类型(0其它 1新增 2修改 3删除 4授权 5导出 6导入 7强退 8生成代码 9清空数据) :return: """ warnings.simplefilter('always', category=DeprecationWarning) if isinstance(business_type, BusinessType): business_type = business_type.value else: warnings.warn('@log_decorator的business_type参数未来版本将不再支持int类型,请使用BusinessType枚举类型', category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) def decorator(func): @wraps(func) async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): start_time = time.time() # 获取被装饰函数的文件路径 file_path = inspect.getfile(func) # 获取项目根路径 project_root = os.getcwd() # 处理文件路径,去除项目根路径部分 relative_path = os.path.relpath(file_path, start=project_root)[0:-2].replace('\\', '.') # 获取当前被装饰函数所在路径 func_path = f'{relative_path}{func.__name__}()' # 获取上下文信息 request: Request = kwargs.get('request') token = request.headers.get('Authorization') query_db = kwargs.get('query_db') request_method = request.method operator_type = 0 user_agent = request.headers.get('User-Agent') if "Windows" in user_agent or "Macintosh" in user_agent or "Linux" in user_agent: operator_type = 1 if "Mobile" in user_agent or "Android" in user_agent or "iPhone" in user_agent: operator_type = 2 # 获取请求的url oper_url = request.url.path # 获取请求的ip及ip归属区域 oper_ip = request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For") oper_location = '内网IP' if AppConfig.app_ip_location_query: oper_location = get_ip_location(oper_ip) # 根据不同的请求类型使用不同的方法获取请求参数 content_type = request.headers.get("Content-Type") if content_type and ("multipart/form-data" in content_type or 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' in content_type): payload = await request.form() oper_param = "\n".join([f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in payload.items()]) else: payload = await request.body() # 通过 request.path_params 直接访问路径参数 path_params = request.path_params oper_param = {} if payload: oper_param.update(json.loads(str(payload, 'utf-8'))) if path_params: oper_param.update(path_params) oper_param = json.dumps(oper_param, ensure_ascii=False) # 日志表请求参数字段长度最大为2000,因此在此处判断长度 if len(oper_param) > 2000: oper_param = '请求参数过长' # 获取操作时间 oper_time = # 此处在登录之前向原始函数传递一些登录信息,用于监测在线用户的相关信息 login_log = {} if log_type == 'login': user_agent_info = parse(user_agent) browser = f'{}' system_os = f'{}' if user_agent_info.browser.version != (): browser += f' {user_agent_info.browser.version[0]}' if user_agent_info.os.version != (): system_os += f' {user_agent_info.os.version[0]}' login_log = dict( ipaddr=oper_ip, loginLocation=oper_location, browser=browser, os=system_os, loginTime=oper_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ) kwargs['form_data'].login_info = login_log # 调用原始函数 result = await func(*args, **kwargs) # 获取请求耗时 cost_time = float(time.time() - start_time) * 100 # 判断请求是否来自api文档 request_from_swagger = request.headers.get('referer').endswith('docs') if request.headers.get('referer') else False request_from_redoc = request.headers.get('referer').endswith('redoc') if request.headers.get('referer') else False # 根据响应结果的类型使用不同的方法获取响应结果参数 if isinstance(result, JSONResponse) or isinstance(result, ORJSONResponse) or isinstance(result, UJSONResponse): result_dict = json.loads(str(result.body, 'utf-8')) else: if request_from_swagger or request_from_redoc: result_dict = {} else: if result.status_code == 200: result_dict = {'code': result.status_code, 'message': '获取成功'} else: result_dict = {'code': result.status_code, 'message': '获取失败'} json_result = json.dumps(result_dict, ensure_ascii=False) # 根据响应结果获取响应状态及异常信息 status = 1 error_msg = '' if result_dict.get('code') == 200: status = 0 else: error_msg = result_dict.get('msg') # 根据日志类型向对应的日志表插入数据 if log_type == 'login': # 登录请求来自于api文档时不记录登录日志,其余情况则记录 if request_from_swagger or request_from_redoc: pass else: user = kwargs.get('form_data') user_name = user.username login_log['loginTime'] = oper_time login_log['userName'] = user_name login_log['status'] = str(status) login_log['msg'] = result_dict.get('msg') await LoginLogService.add_login_log_services(query_db, LogininforModel(**login_log)) else: current_user = await LoginService.get_current_user(request, token, query_db) oper_name = current_user.user.user_name dept_name = current_user.user.dept.dept_name if current_user.user.dept else None operation_log = OperLogModel( title=title, businessType=business_type, method=func_path, requestMethod=request_method, operatorType=operator_type, operName=oper_name, deptName=dept_name, operUrl=oper_url, operIp=oper_ip, operLocation=oper_location, operParam=oper_param, jsonResult=json_result, status=status, errorMsg=error_msg, operTime=oper_time, costTime=int(cost_time) ) await OperationLogService.add_operation_log_services(query_db, operation_log) return result return wrapper return decorator @lru_cache() def get_ip_location(oper_ip: str): """ 查询ip归属区域 :param oper_ip: 需要查询的ip :return: ip归属区域 """ oper_location = '内网IP' try: if oper_ip != '' and oper_ip != 'localhost': oper_location = '未知' ip_result = requests.get(f'{oper_ip}') if ip_result.status_code == 200: prov = ip_result.json().get('data').get('prov') city = ip_result.json().get('data').get('city') if prov or city: oper_location = f'{prov}-{city}' except Exception as e: oper_location = '未知' print(e) return oper_location